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Body Lift In Grass Valley, CA

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Whether through surgery, popular weight-loss drugs, drastic diets, or disciplined lifestyle changes, some people can drop weight quickly. Still, not all the effects are positive. Rapid weight loss often results in excess hanging skin and fat that encircles the midsection, flanks, and buttocks, which can cause physical discomfort and aesthetic concerns that detract from the benefits of weight loss. For patients who are no longer obese, these physical and aesthetic issues are extremely frustrating and make their efforts seem fruitless.

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A body lift is a body contouring procedure that specifically targets large amounts of hanging skin and some pockets of fat around the lower-to-mid body, helping to reveal a more slimmed and sculpted figure. Dr. Lattyak and his team at the Élan Clinic are committed to providing our patients with safe and effective body lift results so they can lead comfortable and confident lives.

What Is a Body Lift?

A body lift, sometimes called a lower body lift, a circumferential tummy tuck, or a belt lipectomy, is a body contouring procedure that addresses sagging skin and excess fat in the lower region of the belly, flanks, and buttocks. The tissue is usually removed in something of a belt shape that encircles the lower midsection, with more tissue removed in the front of the body than the back.

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What Are the Benefits of a Body Lift?

A body lift is often performed on patients who have an excessive amount of skin and fat around the lower body, often as a result of weight loss surgeries. The primary aim of this procedure is to remove sagging skin and excess fat that causes the body to look droopy or misshapen. A body lift is tailored to the needs of the patient; however, it commonly focuses on the body directly beneath the chest, down to the pubic area, flanks, and buttocks, and in some cases, the hips and thighs as well. The result is a restored appearance to a large portion of the body, with smoother skin and more defined curves and contours.

A body lift can help correct the following:

  • A protruding belly or a hanging belly apron (panniculus)
  • A droopy pubic area
  • Circumferential sagging skin
  • Droopy thighs and buttocks

Am I a Candidate for a Body Lift?

Ideal candidates for a body lift are men and women who meet specific criteria for this specialized procedure. The most common group is patients who have experienced massive weight loss, either after bariatric surgery or diet and exercise. While excess skin and fat are very common in post-weight loss patients, it’s important that you are no longer in the weight loss process and are as close to your goal weight as possible before your body lift. Candidates should also:

  • Have maintained a stable weight without significant fluctuations for at least six months
  • Not be obese or have active medical problems like diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or heart disease.
  • Be generally healthy
  • Be nonsmokers
  • Have realistic expectations for results

What Other Concerns Can a Body Lift Treat?

Post-semaglutide or Ozempic Treatments

Bariatric surgery is not the only weight loss solution that causes sagging, loose skin; Popular diet medications like semaglutide injections provide substantial weight loss results but cause other aesthetic problems. A body lift can help remedy resulting issues like extensive sagging skin and a deflated midsection so patients can enjoy their new, slimmer figures.

Stubborn, Localized Fat Pockets

Some people harbor excess weight, including excess skin and fat, specifically around the midsection, flanks, and buttocks. These patients, while not obese, are not usually close to their goal weight but may still be candidates for this procedure as the concentration of fat and skin rests in a similar, 360-degree formation that this procedure targets.

Combining Your Body Lift with Other Procedures

A body lift is a major surgical procedure that deals with the manipulation of multiple body parts and excess skin throughout the circumference of the midsection. Due to the complexity and breadth of this procedure, the length of the surgery itself can be multiple hours. For this reason, it is rarely combined with other procedures unless Dr. Lattyak is confident it is safe to do so. If you are interested in combining your body lift with other procedures, be sure to discuss your options with Dr. Lattyak during your consultation. Possible combinations include:

How Is a Body Lift Performed?

Your Consultation

During your initial consultation with Dr. Lattyak, he will listen to your goals for your body lift and discuss any questions or concerns you may have. He will also give you a good idea of what you can realistically expect from the results of your body lift. It’s important to remember that the closer your BMI is to a healthy range, the better your results will be. Do not be discouraged if Dr. Lattyak recommends that you wait to undergo the surgery until you are a better candidate.

He will also check for medical conditions that can cause complications with the results or the surgery itself, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure or diabetes. Be sure to disclose all relevant health information–including medications–so he can compile an accurate health profile. He may also refer you to your primary care physician to adjust medications or to receive more diagnostic testing.

If you decide to move forward with your body lift, and Dr. Lattyak agrees that it is a good fit for you, he will explain the techniques and anesthesia involved, the facility where the surgery will be performed, and the risks and costs involved.

Don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Lattyak any questions you may have, especially those regarding your expectations for results or the safety and efficacy of this procedure. A body lift is a major cosmetic procedure, and it’s one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Use your time with Dr. Lattyak to uncover any information you need to move forward safely and confidently.

If you are interested in a lower body lift and would like to see if you are a good candidate, call the Élan Clinic today at (530) 273-3400 to schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Lattyak.

The Body Lift Procedure

A body lift can take anywhere from three to six hours, and it is performed under general anesthesia. A body lift deals with 360-degree fat and skin removal, so the patient must be rotated one or two times during the procedure so Dr. Lattyak can access all the treatment areas.

In most cases, Dr. Lattyak will begin operating on the front of the patient’s body in a similar process to that of a tummy tuck; he will make an incision that runs horizontally across the lower pubic area and one that runs parallel, closer to the ribcage. The resulting strip of skin and fat is what will be removed. He will also surgically tighten the abdominal muscles, remedying muscle separation or diastasis recti.

As Dr. Lattyak works to remove excess skin and fat, he will rotate the patient’s body to access the sides and back of the treatment area. He will then redrape the skin and tissue into a more pleasing contour, paying special attention to the placement of the belly button.

The incisions will be closed, and you will be placed in surgical dressings and a compression garment as you are monitored following the procedure.

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What Is Body Lift Recovery Like?

Dr. Lattyak will typically see you the day after surgery to ensure you are recovering well and there are no immediate issues.

Most patients can return to work and gradually integrate daily activities within about four to six weeks. Until then, it’s crucial for you to balance rest with gentle daily activity such as walking to increase blood circulation. Blood clots are a possible risk following a belt lipectomy, so walking a few times a day can help prevent them from forming.

Be sure to follow Dr. Lattyak’s instructions after your body lift. You may be advised to:

  • Wear your compression garment day and night for a period of time (except when showering)
  • Sit or sleep at an angle that accommodates the healing portion of your midsection
  • Attend follow-up appointments at specific intervals so Dr. Lattyak can monitor your healing process

Recovery after a circumferential tummy tuck can be challenging, so it’s important to be patient, know what to expect, and keep a positive outlook. After the first week, you should be more comfortable standing straight and have an easier time sleeping, which will greatly increase your comfort. After about two weeks, most of the significant discomfort should have subsided, and patients typically begin to feel like themselves again. Above all, listen to the needs of your body and do not push yourself. Following your instructions from Dr. Lattyak and getting plenty of rest will help speed up this process.

When Will I See My Body Lift Results?

A body lift removes a substantial amount of fat and skin around the midsection of the body, providing noticeable results immediately following your procedure. You will notice that you have a slimmer figure, void of hanging skin and fat.

However, the healing won’t be done yet. As the swelling and bruising dissipate and the incisions continually mend, the contours of your body and the appearance of your scars should gradually improve. It’s important to be patient as it typically takes a year or more to see the final results of this procedure. Your scars will continually improve–becoming smoother and lighter in color–for months and even years.

How Much Does a Body Lift Cost in Grass Valley, CA?

Each body lift is tailored to the unique needs of the patient; therefore, the surgical plan that Dr. Lattyak develops for you determines the final cost. The price depends on the technique that Dr. Lattyak uses, the degree of contour correction needed, and the length of the procedure. Once he creates your surgical plan for you, Dr. Lattyak will provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

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300 Sierra College Drive
Suite #240
Grass Valley, CA, 95945

(530) 273-3400

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