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Facelift and Mini Facelift In Grass Valley, CA

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As people age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure, and the stresses of daily life can take a toll on their faces. As volume and elasticity decrease, deep creases form between the nose and mouth. In addition, the jawline grows slack and jowly, and folds and fat deposits appear around the neck.

facelift Model

Dr. Lattyak and our talented team at the Élan Clinic are dedicated to creating an individualized facelift experience for our Grass Valley patients. We are committed to providing elegant, natural-looking results through honest communication throughout the process and precise surgical techniques.

​What Is a Facelift?

A facelift (technically known as rhytidectomy) can’t stop this aging process. What it can do is set back the clock, improving the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck. A facelift can be done alone or in conjunction with other procedures, such as a forehead lift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping.

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What Are the Benefits of a Facelift?

A facelift combats the most visible signs of aging and is often the best option for patients looking for long-lasting facial rejuvenation. As volume decreases, excess skin becomes a problem, sagging to create creases and wrinkles and concealing underlying bone structure.

A facelift removes excess skin obstructing your facial definition, revealing a more sculpted, revitalized contour. Additionally, Dr. Lattyak will subtly drape the skin and tissues to highlight your natural bone structure for a more youthful result, effectively smoothing wrinkles and creases in the process.

Am I a Candidate for a Facelift?

The best candidate for a facelift is a man or woman whose face and neck have begun to sag but whose skin still has some elasticity and whose bone structure is strong and well-defined. Most patients are in their forties to sixties, but facelifts can be done successfully on people in their seventies or eighties as well.

A facelift can make you look younger and fresher, enhancing your self-confidence. But it doesn’t fundamentally alter your appearance, though it may help restore what you consider the look of your best self. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with Dr. Lattyak.

Candidates for a facelift:

  • Want a long-lasting option for skin tightening and rejuvenation
  • Have moderate to severe skin sagging and wrinkles
  • Desire a rejuvenated yet natural-looking result
  • Are nonsmokers, or are willing to quit
  • Have realistic expectations for results

What Are My Facelift Options?

Full Facelift

A full facelift, or a traditional facelift, is ideal for patients with moderate to severe facial sagging and wrinkling throughout the face and neck, as well as those with significant fat excess in the neck. This option is more invasive and may require more extensive incisions, but it provides the most comprehensive results.

Mini Facelift

A mini facelift treats mild to moderate sagging throughout the mid-to-lower face, specifically around the mouth and jawline. This option is ideal for patients of any age who may only need moderate revision or have had a prior facelift procedure and want to “touch up” results. A mini facelift is less invasive and has a shorter recovery time than a traditional facelift. It is typically performed in the office without the need for general anesthesia.

Combining Your Facelift with Other Procedures

One of the rules of successful, natural-looking plastic surgery is cohesiveness. By combining your facelift or mini facelift with another facial rejuvenation procedure, you may see an even more significant improvement in natural-looking facial harmony. Some popular procedures include:

How Is a Facelift Performed?

Your Consultation

Facelifts are very individualized procedures. In your initial consultation with Dr. Lattyak, he will evaluate your face, including the skin and underlying bone, and discuss your goals for the surgery.

Dr. Lattyak will also check for medical conditions that could cause problems during or after surgery, such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, or the tendency to form excessive scars. Be sure to tell Dr. Lattyak if you smoke or are taking any drugs or medications, especially aspirin or other drugs that affect clotting.

If you decide to have a facelift, Dr. Lattyak will explain the techniques and anesthesia used, the facility where the surgery will be performed, and the risks and costs involved.

Don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Lattyak any questions you may have, especially those regarding your expectations and concerns about the results.​​ Your consultation is crucial in determining the specific treatment plan that will give you the desired results and also serves as a point for you to discuss any questions or concerns.

If you are interested in a facelift or would like to see what facelift option is best for you, call the Élan Clinic today at (530) 273-3400 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lattyak

​The Facelift Procedure

A facelift usually takes several hours or longer if you have more than one procedure done.  Incisions typically begin along or above the hairline at the temples, extend in a natural line in front of the ear (or just inside the cartilage at the front), and continue behind the earlobe to the lower scalp. A small incision is also made under the chin to perform the neck lift portion of the procedure.

Dr. Lattyak generally separates the skin from the fat and muscle below. Fat may be trimmed or suctioned from around the neck and chin to improve the contour. Dr. Lattyak then tightens the underlying muscle and membrane, pulls the skin back, and removes the excess. Stitches secure the layers of tissue and close the incisions.​

Following surgery, a small, thin tube may be placed under the skin behind your ear to drain any blood that might collect. Dr. Lattyak may also wrap your head loosely in bandages to minimize bruising and swelling.


What Is Facelift Recovery Like?

There isn’t usually significant discomfort after surgery; if there is, it can be lessened with the pain medication prescribed by Dr. Lattyak. (Severe or persistent pain or a sudden swelling of your face should be reported to Dr. Lattyak immediately.) Some numbness of the skin is quite normal; it will disappear in a few weeks or months.

Dr. Lattyak will tell you to keep your head elevated and as still as possible for a couple of days after surgery to keep the swelling down. If you’ve had a drainage tube inserted, it will be removed one or two days after surgery. Bandages are usually changed the day after surgery and are removed entirely after seven days. Don’t be surprised at the pale, bruised, and puffy face you see. Just keep in mind that in a few weeks, you’ll be looking normal. Most of your stitches will be removed after about five days. Your scalp may take longer to heal, and your hairline’s stitches could be left in a few days longer.

​You should be up and about in a day or two, but plan on taking it easy for the first week after surgery. Be especially gentle with your face and hair since your skin will be tender and numb and may not respond typically at first.

Dr. Lattyak will give more specific guidelines for gradually resuming your normal activities. They’re likely to include these suggestions:

  • Avoid strenuous activity, including sex and heavy housework, for at least two weeks (walking and mild stretching are fine)
  • Avoid alcohol, steam baths, and saunas for several months.
  • Above all, get plenty of rest and allow your body to spend its energy on healing.

At the beginning, your face may look and feel rather strange. Your features may be distorted from the swelling, your facial movements may be slightly stiff, and you’ll probably be self-conscious about your scars. Some bruising may persist for two or three weeks, and you may tire quickly. It’s not surprising that some patients are disappointed and depressed at first.

By the third week, you’ll look and feel much better. Most patients return to work about ten days to two weeks after surgery. If you need it, makeup can mask most of the remaining bruising.

How Much Does a Facelift Cost in Grass Valley, CA?

Your surgical plan uniquely determines the cost of a facelift; the price depends on whether you have a mini or traditional facelift, the type of anesthesia used, and if you are combining your facelift with any other procedures.
Each facelift that Dr. Lattyak performs is highly individualized to the patient’s needs and goals. Once you have had your initial consultation with Dr. Lattyak and a surgical plan has been created and agreed upon, he will happily provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

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300 Sierra College Drive
Suite #240
Grass Valley, CA, 95945

(530) 273-3400

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